California Wool Growers Association (CWGA) is a non-profit trade association, formed in 1860. CWGA’s funding is generated almost entirely by voluntary dues paid by members, who in turn determine the direction and policy of the organization.
What CWGA Does For You
- Your voice on local, state, and federal legislative and regulatory issues impacting the sheep industry.
- Providing discount pricing on over 50 sheep health and nutrition items to help reduce your operation costs.
- Promoting efforts to provide tools and resources that improves the sustainability of California sheep operations.
- Supporting education and research that improves production efficiencies and potential returns to California sheep producers.
- Offering networking opportunities for all stakeholders in the California sheep industry.
- Developing new vaccines and health products to protect your bottom line and flock health.
- Serving as a one-stop shop for information about the California sheep industry.
Member Benefits
- Discount pricing on over 50 sheep health & nutrition products including dewormers, vaccines, mineral supplements, protein tubs, & marking paint.
- Access to CWGA developed vaccines.
- Herd the News a bi-monthly publication highlighting industry issues, legislative updates, educational topics, advertising, and lamb and wool market information.
- Herd the News Weekly a weekly electronic newsletter of current sheep industry news and events.
- Member pricing to CWGA sponsored events, meetings, & workshops.
- Opportunity to consign to the California Ram Sale and Online All Breeds Sheep Sale.
- A voice in local, state, and national legislative issues impacting the sheep and livestock sectors.
- Membership to the American Sheep Industry Association (includes monthly Sheep Industry News, ASI Weekly, industry meetings, leadership opportunities, educational resources, & much more).
Membership Options
REGULAR (0 – 25 head) — $60.00
REGULAR (26 head & over) — $100 + No. Breeding Ewes/Does x $0.10 per ewe/doe
Any person, partnership, or corporation that is actually engaged in the business of breeding, producing, maturing, feeding, or processing of sheep and/or goats.
FEEDER— $100 + No. Feeder Lambs/Goats x $0.03 per feeder lamb/goat
Any regular member of the corporation who is engaged in feeding for all or part of the year, or any regular member owns or operates a feedlot. The feeder shall represent the interests of the commercial feeder member.
REGULAR/FEEEDER COMBINED— $100 + No. Breeding Ewes/Does x $0.10 per ewe/doe + No. Feeder Lambs/Goats x $0.03 per feeder lamb/goat
Any person, partnership, or corporation that is actually engaged in the business of breeding, producing, maturing, feeding, or processing of sheep and/or goats AND who is engaged in feeding for all or part of the year, or any regular member owns or operates a feedlot.
Any person, firm, or corporation that is not engaged in the business of breeding, producing, maturing, or feeding of sheep and/or goats, but interested in the welfare of the California industry.
YOUNG SHEPHERD (less than 21 yrs. of age) — $35.00
Any person under 21 years of age or a full-time student who owns less than 99 head of sheep and/or goats and who has an active interest in the future of the California sheep and/or goat industry.
Want to join online?
Join OnlineDon’t want to join or renew online? Call, mail, or email in your membership today instead!
Membership ApplicationAlready a member of CWGA? Save time and renew your membership online!
Renew OnlineMake a commitment to YOUR industry & Join Today!